The dancers of Addaura. The origins of religion in Sicily.
Author: Antonino Filippi*
Pages: 112
Publication: 2015
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Available Italian language
"It remains to observe them in disbelief, amazed by the forms, from those few lines, etched into the hard limestone, show with wonder and precision the features of human bodies. You hear them move, shake within that thread of rock carved by the chisel that has them imprisoned for millennia, as if they wanted to keep walking, running, dancing, following indefinitely a cadence, a rhythm. They are there, some with arms raised, some bending, other independent or cross-legged; a swirl of mute characters, but for thousands of years they are trying to tell us something."
Certainly, a doubt in the mind whale immediately. They will be true? They were really made in distant prehistory? There we wondered and maybe getting a little 'we ask of him. Watching them are very modern! Some seem to be moving in a circle like the dancers of Matisse; others appear from the depths of the shadow, as friends of Munch that nell'Urlo follow him from the bottom of the road; others have faces metaphysical, worthy of a painting by De Chirico. Their preservation to this day is a miracle; so it seemed like a miracle their sudden discovery, in 1952, in a place so secluded, but just a short walk from the outskirts of one of the largest metropolis in the middle of the Mediterranean.
In the more than sixty years have passed since the discovery of graffiti in the cave dell'Addaura, many pages have been written about these strange people dancing but, despite this, many questions remained unresolved, and still admiring many doubts we recall to mind. I felt so, aware of the many difficulties and the enormous risks, to tell their story, trying to climb the huge chasm carved by the passage of time that separates us from them. I wanted to take this long road, driven by the knowledge that men and women depicted on the rock wall not only express a dance or pure emotions, but really want to say something concrete about ancient rituals and ancestral religions. This led me to try, maybe even a little 'to imagine, symbols and rituals of a Sicily where, thousands of years ago, the dancers dell'Addaura lived free'. (Introduction by the author).
(*) Antonino Filippi, born in Turin in 1967, teacher, graduated in archeology at the University of Palermo. He led historical and archaeological research in the Trapani area, working with the Superintendent BB.CC.AA. of Trapani. He is the author of monographs' Ancient settlements in the territory of Alcamo '(1996),' An ancient Mediterranean port. Archeology and history of Trapani from the archaic and Byzantine '(2005),' Prehistory and Early History Trapani '(2014). His articles have been published in journals and conference proceedings for studies on ancient Sicily. He collaborated with the publishing house 'The Sun' in the drafting of some documentaries. For the Regional Museum 'A. Pepoli 'of Trapani led the study of the collection of prehistoric finds.
Rewind In Sicilia (5 DVD)
Authors: Giacomo Pilati (*)
Editing and Post-production: Francesco Siro Brigiano
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Available in Italian language.
Stories of Sicilian many years ago. Collected under different skies between the 80s and 90s. Revealed by a common sense of belonging to a great design of destiny. Interviews that could be novels, but also songs and poems. Twenty-seven chapters of an intriguing book of memory. To stop time. To stop the words.Which are the only things that remain to us to break the silence of oblivion. Almost 9 hours of movies, 27 interviews conducted by Giacomo Pilati, digitized and restored.
MEMORY : Vincenzo Scalabrino (he worked in the '20s in the salt pans of Trapani of Aden, the only witness of a great epic entrepreneurial) Lucky Jordan (last singer of " triunfi " and novenas to St. Rosalia), James Giardina (street vendor and shepherd, crowned in 1929 by Filippo Tommaso Marinetti's Futurist poet), Mommo Solina (historical rais of the trap Bonagia, heir -old myths), Nino Canino (last descendant of an ancient family of puppeteers Sicilians), Giovanni Castiglione (herder in the countryside of Cornino, the protagonist of transhumance and old rites).
THE COURAGE : Rita Bartoli Costa (widow of Judge Antonio Costa, who was killed by the Mafia in Palermo), Felicia Impastato (mother of Peppino Impastato, who was killed by the Mafia in Carini), Ennio Pintacuda (Jesuit sociologist, who inspired the " spring " of Palermo) Ludovico Corrao (Sinddaco Gibellina, led the revival of the country after the earthquake), Anna Jordan (Nobel Prize for the environment. doublets he defeated the poachers on the Strait of Messina), Maria Saladino (founded villages of children in Camporeale, snatching land and manpower to the Mafia).
The HERESY : Danilo Dolci (writer, sociologist, several times nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts for the success of non-violent civil rights in Sicily), Vito Cavarretta (psychiatrist, author of the theory of optical refraction and its astronomical observatory), Peppe Citium (intellectual and eclectic entrepreneur, was arrested and later acquitted for mafia and corruption, has always proclaimed victim of the judiciary), Melchiorre Gerbino (globe trotter Calatafimi, leading to years of the television program " Maurizio Costanzo Show "), Carmelo Morreale (painter and polemicist, he lived embodying the ideals of the Renaissance Leonardo da Vinci).
ART : Dominic Li Muli (sculptor and painter, author of numerous works of art and Trapani in Sicily), Linen Tardia (painter, studying in Margutta in Rome, his works are exhibited in various parts of the world) brothers Duchy (decorators Sicilian carts in Bagheria, their art has inspired Guttuso), Alberto Giambalvo (peasant writer, has published an extraordinary book of short stories and translated in the Sicilian Odyssey), Gino Bisbini (retired clown, heir of a large Italian family circus.has met the love in Sicily).
THE JOURNEY : Nat Scammacca (Sicilian American poet, the protagonist of the cultural movement "Antigruppo"), Andrea Alberti (Italian great interpreter of jazz, he founded orchestras and musical groups), Mario Cassisa (painter and cultural animator, having traveled the world has Trapani chosen for its ' buen withdrawal '), Cece and Silvana Paladino (ered Florio, scouts and sports, live in Madagascar), Nicola Badalucco (writer of the great masterpieces by Luchino Visconti, is the father of the drama " the Octopus ").
(*) Giacomo Pilati was born in Trapani. Among his books, Le Siciliane" (translated into several languages), "Le altre Siciliane", "La città dei poveri", "Minchia di re" (in the cinema "Viola di mare"), "Sulla punta del mare", "La cucina trapanese e delle isole"
Preistoria e protostoria trapanese
Author: Antonino Filippi (*)
Pags: 140
Publication: february 2014
Specifications: size 16.5 x 23.5; paper 100 gr. and matt coated paper 130 gr.; cover matte coated paper 300 gr., illustrations and photos b / w and color.
The book was published with the assistance of the Archaeological Group "Drepanum"
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Available Italian language
This volume collects the results of the discoveries made in the Trapani area during the last twenty five years (thanks to reconnaissance activities in the countryside), the study of prehistoric material in the Museum Interdisciplinary Regional "Pepoli" of Trapani and the research and archaeological excavations conducted between 2007 and 2010 on Mount Bonifato Alcamo.
The territory that the title is indicated by the term "Trapani" is actually a vast area which encompasses much of the northern portion of the province of Trapani, the Egadi islands included.
The author has followed the traditional chronology of prehistory and early history of Sicily , describing each step sites and materials from different geographic areas under consideration. In addition, for each reporting period, the exposure of the "observations" on the territory of Trapani is preceded by a summary of a general nature on the operating culture of Sicily, with particular attention to the archaeological data from the southern portion of the province of Trapani, especially in the territories of the lower valley of the Belice, Delia and Mazaro, where, especially in the last forty years, research has provided a broader and more detailed picture of prehistoric cultures that have occurred.
Anthony Filippi, born in Turin in 1967, a teacher and has a degree in Archaeology at the University of Palermo. He has conducted archaeological and historical research in the province of Trapani, working on behalf of the Superintendent BB.CC.AA. the preparation of the archaeological map of the PPR- Scope 1. He is the author of monographs Ancient settlements in the territory of Alcamo (1996) and An ancient harbor in the Mediterranean. Archaeology and history of Trapani from the Archaic period to the Byzantine (2005). His articles have been published in journals and conference proceedings of studies on ancient Sicily. He has collaborated with the publishing house "Il Sole" in the drafting of some documentaries. For the Regional Museum "Pepoli" Trapani led the study of the collection of prehistoric artifacts. He was the founder of the Archaeological Group "Drepanum", which he directed from 2006 to 2011 , and founder and organizer of the "Project Bunifat" archaeological research at Mount Bonifato Alcamo in the years 2007-2010.
The "saline" of Trapani, Photos from yesterday and today
Authors: Nicolò Scariano
Presentation: Giacomo D`Alì Staiti
Pages: 132
Publication: July 2013
Price: Euro 14,00 (Shipping costs not included)
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Available in English and Italian language
Trapani and the "Saline". An indissoluble binomial. A long story lasting over two thousand years, comprised of hard work, sacrifices, geniality and inventiveness that characterized the commercial progress before, and later, the industrial progress of Trapani and Sicily.
Above all, this book wants to tell the human story with the images of an enchanting mix of photographs dated back fifty years, and recent photographs that tell not only of the evolutions of the systems of production and collection of the salt, but also the changes of the micro cosmos that rotate around these activities.
Two different worlds seen by the eyes of the same photographer, who, after fifty years, wished to live again through the reality of his youth and perhaps his same emotions.
Sicily: land of myth
Author: Enzo Russo
Pages: 198
Size: 22x25,8 cm
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Available in English and Italian language
This volume offers the temple of Segesta, eternal and isolated in the midst of the country side, the Good Friday processions involving entire cities, the desolate conditions of the Baroque in small towns, Sicily`s sea, island and volcanoes - all these images might well destabilise readers, but they will also and above all make them think and drive their imagination beyond the mere surface of the photographs into the spirit of an ancient land whose natural and architectural treasures are part of the inheritance of humanity itself.
Sicily: Art, History and Culture
Authors: Enzo Russo, Giovanni Francesio, Melo Minnella
Pages: 320
Size: 22x25,8 cm
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Available in English and Italian language
Few places in the world have experienced such an intense and eventful history as Sicily.
Rocked by revolts and power-struggles, rejoicing in great splendour and freedoms, over thousands of years this small island has been a crossroads for many peoples, religions and cultures - and its melting-pot of influences has created a unique spirit of "Sicilian-ness".
This hook - with evocative photographs by Melo Minnella - attempts to capture the elusive spirit of Sicily, its inhabitants and its landscape, and offers a sweeping account of the island, from ancient history up to the present day.
Sicily: History and Masterpieces
Pages: 192
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Available in English and Italian language
Sicilia Luoghi di Silenzio
Authors: Elena Bazzolo e Marco Stoppato
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Available in English and Italian language
Production - Registration Affinità Elettive
Duration 45`
Available in English language.
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From trendy Palermo to the several enchanting and tranquil isles, indulge in the passion of Sicily. Visit sunny Sicily.
See the worderful beaches, ride through the streets of towns with legendary history. Study Baroque art and architecture in Noto.
Enjoy colorful regional festivals. Sky on the Mount Etna, the highest active volcano in Europe. Step back in time at the Temple Valley in Agrigento.
Author: Salvatore Quattrocchi
Page: 213
Publication: May 2004
Available in English and Italian language.
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This comprehensive guide to Sicily provides travelers with unparalleled information on one of Italy`s most popular tourist destinations.
Sicily is the largest island in the Mediterranean. Its strategic location has attracted Greeks, Carthaginians, Romans, Byzantines, Saracens, Normans and Catalans to settle or rule. Each period has left its mark on the island`s heritage and it has an exceptional legacy of fine building ranging from the great Greek theatres and temples to the splendid Norman monuments showing both Moorish and Bzyantine influences.
Sicily offers an exceptional wealth of history and art, set in a landscape of remarkable intensity and variety. An overview of the island`s geography and history is followed by an exploration of its cities and sights, divided into 43 chapters focusing on different towns within the island starting from the capital, Palermo, and traveling along the coast, to outlying islands, and through the interior.
Each chapter is packed with archaeological sites, museums, examples of baroque architecture, and descriptions of numerous other cultural attractions. Throughout the book, interesting information brings to life the island`s many-layered history.
Sicilia Da Amare
The routes in nature
TAll Farm Holiday in Eastern Sicily
Pages: 16o
Available in Italian language.
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Sicilia Da Amare
The routes in nature
All Farm Holiday in Western Sicily
Pages: 160
Available in Italian language.
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Palaces of Sicily
Pages: 323
Size: 22x25,8 cm
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Available in English and Italian language
This book is the first to trace the evolution in style of the fabulous homes that have been built on the island from feudal castles to city mansions and country villas.
Luxuriant gardens, rich furnishings, frescoes and ancient mosaics - all these can he found in the pages of palaces of sicily thanks to an unprecedented photographic coverage which wonderfully illustrates the extraordinary delights of the island.
Easter in Sicily
Author:Antonino Buttitta e Melo Minnella
Pages: 243
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Available in Italian language
Christmas in Sicily
Author:Antonino Buttitta e Melo Minnella
Pages: 243
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Available in Italian language
Primo Passava San Giuseppe
Viaggio nella Sicilia della festa che cambia
Author:Giovanni Cammareri
Publisher : PS Advert Edizioni
Pages: 267
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In Sicily, fest and processions are synonymous, as prayer and parties. Sure, many things change: statues of Saints that today cross the ways on top of vans or truck, and lamps replaced the fire in top of wood candles.
The unifying element of the book could be the changes, sometimes obvious, than in the years influenced the modalities of the same feasts.
The choice has fallen on more or less known celebrations, characterized by great emotional intensity (inherited from the Greeks and from the antient pagans) but also on those characterized by a great religious sense.
Colors, voices, intense mysticism, all is equally source of show during the nocturnal processioni in winter, or in the warmer hours in summer.
Common element of the described feasts is the absolute participation of the interested communities, and this makes the same feasts particularly and extraordinarily. despite the changing times.
Sicilia e i Suoi Sapori
Author:Pino Agostini
Pages: 192
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Available in Italian language
Treasures of Sicilian Cuisine
Authors: Paolo Salerno - Leonardo Frusteri - Alba Allotta - Salvatore Fraterrigo
Pages 120: 89 recipes with coloured pictures
Publication: 2004
Available in English language
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One hundred-twenty pages volume with coloured pictures. Polished and shiny coated paper. Hard Cover with titles impressed by warmth gold. Plasticized and coloured book jacket. Enjoy the eclectic recipes and pictures. Then go to the kitchen and cook genuine Sicilian food.

"Le Busiate"

"Gli Anelletti"
In this fine and interesting book you will find the following recipes:
Almond nougat, Almond "Semifreddo", "Arancine", Baked ring pasta, Barbecued lamb cutlets, "Biancomangiare", Bread "cunzato", Breaded roasted meat, Breaded swordfish, "Buccellati", "Cabbucio", "Cannoli", "Cassata", Cassatelle with ricotta, Cauliflower croquettes, Cauliflowers in batter, Cauliflowers stew, "Cotognata", Cuscus with fish, "Cubbaita", Dressed olives, Dried cod "alla messinese", Drowned octopus, Eggplant "Caponata", Eggplant Parmigiana, Eggplant roulades, Fish croquettes, Fish Soup, "Frascatole" with cauliflowers, Fried dried cod, Fried tuna semen, "Frittedda", Fruit of Martorana, Garbanzo beans and rice soup, Glazed kid, Kid with almonds, Lasagna with meat sauce and ricotta cheese, "Maccu" with croutons, Mackerel fillets "lardiati", Marinated tuna, "Matalotta" conger-eel, "Matarocco" sauce on toast, Meat roll, Octopus salad, Orange salad, "Panelle", "Pantesca" salad, Pasta "alla Norma", Pasta with cauliflowers, Pasta with potatoes, Pasta with Sardines, "Peperonata", "Rianata", Ricotta raviolis in broth, "Salamureci", Salted sea bass, Sardines "a beccafico", Sardines "a linguata", Sausage sauce with pork rinds, "Sciusceddu", "Sfincione", Sicilian roulades, Snail salad, Snails "a ghiotta", Spaghetti with bread crumbs and anchovies, Spaghetti with fried zucchini and mint, Spaghetti with sea urchins, Spaghetti with tuna botargo, St. Joseph "sfinge", "St. Joseph`s" soup, Stuffed artichokes, Stuffed peppers, Stuffed squids, Sweet and sour rabbit, Sweet and Sour Yellow Pumpkin, Swordfish & Eggplant pasta, Swordfish roulades, Swordfish soup "a ghiotta", "Taboulè", "Tenerumi" soup and "Picchi-pacchi" sauce, Trapani`s pesto & pasta, Tuna botargo, Tuna "Carpaccio", Tuna rissoles, Tuna sauce and pasta, Tuna with onion stew, Turkish salad, Watermelon sherbet, Zucchini and potato soup.
Wines of Sicily
Author:Antonino Buttitta e Melo Minnella
Information about how to purchase this book
Available in English and Italian language
A typical container easily holds the contents and is made to be stowed away like a book in a library shelf.
The CD (or cassette tape) contains a collection of 14 between songs and instrumental musical renditions, while the book contains the text of all the songs together with many color photographs and a thorough introduction by the author.
A typical container easily holds the contents and is made to be stowed away like a book in a library shelf.
The CD (or cassette tape) contains a collection of 14 between songs and instrumental musical renditions, while the book contains the text of all the songs together with many color photographs and a thorough introduction by the author.
The Plot of "U Malocchiu" is set in Sicily, "U Malocchiu" tells about the events of a family, whose components, father, mother and engaged daughter, are up against unfavorable situations, overtaken by panic and suggestion they are convinced they are victims of a "Malocchio", that is a "witchcraft", to get rid of it they talk with the magician Oronzo.
Naturally the purpose of the magician isn`t to help the three victims, but to capitalize on earning on their simple-mindedness. Only at the end, after a series of events, very amusing, our characters open their eyes thanks to the intervention of the daughter`s boyfriend. The theater of Giovanni Maniscalco is a comic one, permeated by a sound realism that allows him to part from a purely farcical fact to raise the emblem of contradictions of a social reality that is wanting of strong landmarks.
The language used in the performance is that spoken everyday where the real life takes place that the characters perform on the stage: the Sicilian of the areas of Marsala. The protagonists of the opera, Vittorio, Sara, Lucrezia, in this sense, are practically the mirror of a society where more often values decay in the individual and in the general conscience and to be replaced by prejudices and superstition.