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    Etna - Edizioni Affinità Elettive Etna - Il Vulcano

    Authors: Maria Rosaria Falcone e Romilda Nicotra
    Pages: 142
    Publication: July 2000

    Available in English, French, German and Italian language.

    Information about how to purchase this book

    Our guests are kindly requested to well tie their trekking shoes, to fill a shoulder bag with a camera, a compass, a video cam and binoculars and then follow our route to do a splendid tour to discover the most surprising active volcano of Europe as well as to explore all of the proud and brave towns that lie on the mountain.

    Luxuriant landscapes, gorgeous sightseen, nights lighted by the dazzling light coming from mount Etna and dowes where the blue of the sky is speckled by the smokes and ashes coming from the volcano are awaiting for you.

    And, last but not least, you will found on the slopes of this extraordinary mountain a wonderful crown of Arab fortresses, Norman castles, medieval streets and arches, baroque churches. All of the above mentioned is seasond with folklore, festivals, cultural and sportive meetings, dedications, gastronomy, handicrafts.

    We assure you a foboulous and fantastic travel and we foretell you that you will desire to come back again in this magical Sicilian land.

    The authors collected in this volume the genuine soul of this splendid location, along with beautifulst pictures and a lot of useful information such as timetables, lodges, restaurants, stores and a calendar for events covering each month of the year.