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La Perla dei Monti Sicani Castronovo di Sicilia - La Perla dei Monti Sicani

Text and Direction Giovanni Montanti
Voice over Giancarlo Cara
Shooting and Assembling Peppe Aiello
Post-production Blue Service
Duration 45 min.
DVD: USD 50,00 (included mail delivery service to your address)

Information about how to purchase this video

Castronovo di Sicilia is a full coffer of treasures, an outdoot stage where archaeology, art, nature, panoramas and rituals, interlaces each other enjoying us by way of its forests, cliffs, stones witnesses of an ultramillenarian history.

The reasts of the Sicani, an ancient population, fascinate us as weel as the bizantine ones on the Kassar, the Arab and Norman ones on the hill of San Vitale, the alleys, the arches, the court-yards, made luminous by the local yellow marble and the precious works of art guarded in the churches.

Among castles and palaces, statues and frescoes, bridges and fountains, country houses, coves, valleys and immense green grass lands, this documentary leads us, with full extended wings moving flight, to the discovery of odors, tastes and traditions. These values are best understood when the faith and the popular devotion wrap of lights and colors all the city and the sounds that accompany the rituals of the Holy Week, the commemoration of the patron Saint Vitale and the evocative procession of the SS. Crocifisso, propagate on the air.

Palermo and the 80 municipalities of its province Palermo and the 80 municipalities of its province

Author: Salvatore Quattrocchi
Pages: 253
Publication: 2003

Information about how to purchase this book

Palermo and the 80 municipalities of its province

Several pages with a lot of great pictures are dedicated to each town, illustrating the town, its history, the most intersting places to see, the monuments.

A list of useful information like Hotels and other receptive structures completes the description of each town.

The books also offers great pages about the naturalistic resources of the privince of Palermo, like those dedicated to the Madonie`s Park and the Forest of Ficuzza.


Author: Salvatore Quattrocchi
Publication: 2003

Information about how to purchase this Cd-rom

The province of Palermo and all of its municipalities

The town and places files contain or link to photos taken in those locations. Descriptions of local festivals are included the files for some towns.

A first section is devoted to the Chief Town of Sicily, Palermo. This section illustrates the origins, the famous people, the history, and much more information about this town and its traditions. A second section is devoted to the cultural aspects of the Province. This section illustrates the agriculture, the poesy, the proverbs and the cooking recipes. A third section illustrates the Madonie`s Mountains Park with a fully description of the same Park and a lot of wonderful pictures. A fourth and final section, a very important one, illustrates each municipality of the Province of Palermo. For each town the origins, the famous people, the history, and much more information about the town and its traditions are fully described with a lot of pictures too.

System Requirements:
System: Windows 98
PC with processor Pentium II
128 MB Ram
Cd-Rom Drive 24 x
SVGA 65.000 colors
Video card and cases